We understand that Island Enginuity's viability is only as strong as the community it serves. Therefore, we pledge to donate up to 5% of our annual profits to qualified organizations or individuals in need, whether through monetary or service based means. The donation budget will be distributed amongst Island Enginuity team members so that they can directly contribute to the organization of their choice.
In addition, to help promote positive projects in the community, we will offer discounts of our professional fees by up to 10% for the following clients and/or projects that exhibit financial need:
Affordable Housing
Senior Housing
Environmental Rehabilitation
Select Non-profits, NGO’s, and Private Schools

Rough Framing Volunteer Work at Grace Community Church
Discounts are subject to availability of funds and will be provided on a case-by-case basis. Pro-bono work will also be considered for projects that provide a considerable enhancement to the community, but have insignificant funding available. The following are some projects that we have contributed to thus far:
Ewa Beach Skate Parking Improvements (10% fee donation to Association of Skateboarders in Hawaii)
Rock Cliff Manor Senior Living Facility (10% fee reduction)
Pearl Community Church Parking Lot Study (10% fee reduction)
Queen Emma Affordable Housing (10% fee reduction)
Thurston Avenue Affordable Housing (10% fee reduction)
Jack Hall Affordable ADA & Drainage Improvements (10% fee reduction)
Please contact us if you have a need that you feel we can help you with, and we’ll let you know if we can.